Power Partners

Achieveopedia members have distinctive opportunities for collaborating knowledge and ideas.

Where do members find Power Partners?

  • Request Power Partners from those in your community in the Message Center.

  • Ambassador and Organizer Programs – Other members you build a relationship with while working with Achieveopedia Leaders.

  • Family members, friends,  coworkers, and associates with common goals or just a mutual interest to see one another succeed. 

Why Power Partners?

They release more personal potential.

The Power Partner process releases personal potential through greater focus, creativity and commitments.

They build upon ideas faster than individuals.

Together they enthusiastically share strategies and collectively build ideas in the community Idea Banks and in weekly encouraging Power Circuits. 

They transform more effective habits faster than individuals.

Power Partners require less repetition of new ideas than individual members to integrate them effectively and consistently. 

They can perpetuate success faster to others.

Members reach a point at which they can pass on what they know to others faster than the individual working alone.

They keep one another focused through accountability.

Team members evenly distribute time to process tactical questions, evaluating progress and improving personal results.