Personal Development Terms

Actions — Choices made to create an opportunity or minimize a loss.

Affirmations — Personal constructive or destructive statements that direct behavior, support beliefs, or develop attitudes and create visual images.

Attitude Motivation — Motives for action based upon the positive well being of an individual.

Attitudes — Beliefs, opinions, and ideas that sway an individual toward a certain course of action

Cognitive Restructuring — Changing a thought process to alter emotions or behavior

Comfort Zone — Routine behavior that may prevent individuals from making the changes that would have the ability to improve the quality of their life.

Conditioned Awareness — Perceptions created by the repetition of ideas or personal experiences.

Conscious Awareness — A conscious knowledge of oneself that is specific to goals, values, priorities, and actions

Crystallized Thinking — Explaining our thoughts and intentions in written words or documentation.

Effectiveness — The degree to which personal actions relate to the quality of results.

Evaluate and Recommit — The identification of personal strengths and weaknesses for the purpose of identifying needs and directing change.

Fear Motivation — Motivation based on the anticipation of loss, failure, and/or embarrassment.

Focus Area — An area in life that requires and deserves attention. The quality of this area directly affects one’s happiness, peace of mind, and well being.

Identification/Modification — Proactively changing weaknesses or preventing loss.

Imagination — Mentally creating possibilities for achievement and solutions.

Incentive Motivation — These goals are motives for action based upon reward. They tend to be temporary and for the short term. The reward must increase in order for the action to continue.

Motivation — The driving force behind an action.

Objectives — Short-term goals to be accomplished on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Paradoxical Intention — Attracting to ourselves the ideas and images we are trying to avoid.

Perception — The way the world is seen through an individual’s attitudes and beliefs. This reality is not always complete or accurate.

Perceptual Set — The ability of the subconscious mind to recognize and attract ideas and opportunities into daily routines.

Perpetual Action Steps — A personal tool used to keep track of activities leading to goal achievement. These checklists are specifically used to create new behavior patterns.

Personal Best — Being in competition with oneself to progressively improve focus, activity, and results.

Personal Empowerment — The ability to improve the quality of one’s life through a continuous process of personal expansion, exploration, and emotional development.

Potential — The innate ability to create opportunity, overcome adversity, and contributes to humanity.

Priorities — The order, in which action is taken, based upon the desired result and personal values.

Pro-Active Framing — The process of blocking a situation to fully understand what is needed to fulfill pre—determined expectations.

Rational Reasoning — The process of sorting your goals and intentions to create the change needed to produce a desired result or experience.

Responsibility — Realizing and accepting the consequences of one’s choices and actions. An equal willingness to accept accountability for faults and recognition for accomplishments and success

Self-Esteem — The belief in one’s potential and abilities.

Self-Image — How people see themselves based upon the accumulation of experiences and thought patterns.

Self-Talk — An individual’s words that trigger pictures, emotions, and feelings which, in turn, can affect attitude (self-image).

Skills — The collection of a life time of education, training and experience.

Stress — An inward emotional response based upon a person’s perception of the severity of an event. There is both positive stress and negative stress.

Stuck — Remaining stagnant in personal growth and results.

Success — The progressive accomplishments achieved by a continuous process of personal expansion, exploration, and emotional development

Values — The standards by which a person makes life decisions. Values are used to judge the importance of an individual’s own accomplishments.

Vision — Mentally seeing future possibilities in your life before they exist in reality.

Visualization — Mentally rehearsing or processes a behavior, an image or action in the mind’s eye, to be experienced in reality. Einstein referred to it as “Visual Experiments”