Options for Inspired Collaboration

Achieveopedia members have distinctive opportunities for collaborating knowledge and ideas.

Where do members find Power Partners?

  • Request Power Partners from those in your community in the Message Center.
  • Ambassador and Organizer Programs – Other members you build a relationship with while working with Achieveopedia Leaders.
  • Family members, friends,  coworkers, and associates with common goals or just a mutual interest to see one another succeed. 

Why Power Partners?

They release more personal potential.

The Power Partner process releases personal potential through greater focus, creativity, and commitments.

They build upon ideas faster than individuals.

Together they enthusiastically share strategies and collectively build ideas in the community Idea Banks and in weekly encouraging Power Circuits. 

They transform more effective habits faster than individuals.

Power Partners require less repetition of new ideas than individual members to integrate them effectively and consistently. 

They can perpetuate success faster to others.

Members reach a point at which they can pass on what they know to others faster than the individual working alone.

They keep one another focused through accountability.

Team members evenly distribute time to process tactical questions, evaluating progress and improving personal results.


Coffee Houses

Explore or introduce a Topic, Project or Community to members who may be interested in having goals in that area.

Agenda is a short presentation followed by roundtable Q and A.

You can make an announcement in Achieveopedia News and Community Message Centers


Power Meetings and Training

Members training and educating other members.


Interactive Workshops

Why Generate Interactive Workshops?

Achieveopedia offers the opportunity to participate in virtual or on location peer to peer Interactive Workshops. This platform empowers members to integrate ideas and methodologies that would have a positive impact on personal or team goals and objectives. These workshops can be organized by individual members or facilitated by those with Leadership Centers.

Members and Leaders can invite Power Partners to join them in an interactive virtual workshop by publicizing the date, topic and time in the Announcement Tab on the navigation bar of their Community. The member who sends out the invite will usually host the meeting.

We recommend using join.me for your virtual workshops. This is a screen sharing app which is free for up to 10 attendees.

Pre-Workshop Agenda

Review On-Demand Training in Achieveopedia associated with your topic.

Benefits of On Demand Training

On-Demand Multi-Sensory Learning: The more senses we use in our learning experience the faster we internalize new ideas and information. Being able to read along as you hear the spoken material is a powerful retention tool. This gives members the advantage of learning in their own time, at their own pace, in the privacy of their own space!

Repetition Retention: Members can review the material several times to tap the value of automated retention. The more times we expose our mind to new ideas the faster those concepts and ideas become our own.

Recommended Meeting Agenda

Review the guidelines at the start of each meeting

  • Learn from the past but don’t dwell on it. Keep it “Now and Next”.
  • Complaining and blaming is a waste of time. Positive interactions only.
  • Practice confidentiality as a respect to other members.
  • Be discreet with sensitive information.
  • No political posturing. Please don’t use Achieveopedia to air your political views.
  • Refrain from small talk during the workshop. Keep a constructive purpose to the conversation.

Workshop Starter: Introduce yourself and share what you hope to achieve through this workshop?

Discuss key points of the training information:

  • Hi-light key points of the workshop and discuss how they are relevant to your situation.
  • How would these ideas impact your business or the quality of your life?
  • Feel free to add any additional ideas or suggestions to the discussion.
  • Choose the action steps and perspectives (Strategic Options) from this workshop that will increase your personal effectiveness moving forward.
  • How are you going to integrate these Strategic Options into your weekly Power Circuit?

Power Circuits

Members joining forces to work on the weekly progression of their goals and objectives. This is where ideas and good intentions are turned into action, transformation and results.

Power Circuits are where two or more members drive momentum week to week initiating forward progress while navigating adjustments and corrections.

Power Circuits may be Member to Member directed or facilitated by a System Organizer specializing in a specific area of achievement.

They may be as short as a two meeting commitment or go for years. (The record is three years straight).

At any time, a participant can choose to continue on the present path of progress, take a break from meetings for a while or connect into another circuit. Private companies or organizations can modify guidelines to meet their availability and objectives.

Members of Power Circuits are interchangeable and keep evolving. The name of the game is to make as much progress as possible as quickly as possible. New teams, new members, and new ideas keep enthusiasm pumping! Goals evolve as they are strategized – acted upon and achieved!

Why Power Circuits?

They help members progressively transform themselves, their circumstances and their life. Who you become while achieving your goals can be more valuable than achieving your goals!

They help members stay committed to progress and problem-solving.

Members plug into the power of public accountability increasing concentration and creativity.

Measures results and empowers you to keep progressing forward building on what is working and stimulated problem-solving what is not.

A conduit for practical and constructive feedback from your peers or those in leadership.

Improves your weekly scores directly reducing your Power Gaps scores; closing the gap between wish and attainment!

Helps in generating new ideas and solutions to weaknesses or obstacles.

Recharges members with positive energy and enthusiasm.

Helps members stay focused on your highest priority goals and objectives.

Power Circuit Agendas 

  1. Introduce yourself and give your top three goals or objectives you want to focus on in this Power Meeting.
  2. The time to share should be evenly divided between the participants.
  3. One participant is appointed to keep track of time and keep the conversation moving in a positive direction. This would be the role of a System Organizer if one is assigned to facilitate.

Strategic Power Circuits Discussion Questions

Goal of project discussion questions:

  • Goal or Project?
  • Target Date or Deadline?
  • Power Line for this Goal or Project?
  • What are the “current” Power Gaps?
  • What is the order of priority in closing Power Gaps?
  • What should I PAC for my next Tactical Power Circuits?

Tactical Power Circuits Discussion Questions

Tactical Discussion Questions:

  • How did I do with my ‘Broken Glass” commitment?
  • What were my priorities and commitments for this week?
  • What were my outcomes?
  • What progress was made?
  • Where did I fall short?
  • What were my Obstacles to Execution?
  • What are my Strategic Options moving forward?
  • What do I PAC for Success this week?
  • What are my priorities and commitments for this week?
  • What is my “Crawl over broken glass!” for this week?

Solution Circles

Members gather to mastermind and brainstorm possible solutions to obstacles, multiply options for opportunities and inspiring perseverance.

“No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.” – Voltaire

Guidelines for a Solution Circles

No negativity. Be positive about every contribution. All ideas are valid at this stage. Think about what’s good or bad later.

Strive for quantity, not quality. Every idea is welcome. Come up with as many ideas as you can. Build on ideas. Combine ideas or save idea combinations that relate to one another.

No idea should be lost. Have someone assigned to writing down every idea that pops up during your circle.

Be careful no one dominates the conversation. Have someone assigned to keep the contributions balanced by invited those to share that may be drowned out by enthusiastic extroverts.

Actively Listen. Don’t forget to listen when you’re not talking.

Resist tangents. Keep focused on the topic at hand.

Allow for incubation. There should be a follow-up circle a few days to a week after the first Solution Circle to give everyone’s mind an opportunity to incubate additional ideas. Once the creative process is initiated, our minds will subconsciously work on solutions and speak to us in moments of inspiration.