PAC for Success

Interactive Workshop on D – Design©

Develop strategies to strengthen any weaknesses obstructing progress or achievement.

Recommended Meeting Agenda

Prior to Meeting Option

Choose a Workshop Organizer to review the guidelines, keep the discussion on track and evenly distribute time for sharing between participants.

Review the guidelines at the start of each meeting

  • Learn from the past but don’t dwell on it. Keep it “Now and Next”.
  • Complaining and blaming is a waste of time. Positive interactions only.
  • Practice confidentiality as a respect to other members.
  • Be discreet with sensitive information.
  • No political posturing. Please don’t use Achieveopedia to air your political views.
  • Refrain from small talk during workshops to keep a constructive purpose to conversation.

Workshop Starters:

  1. Introduce yourself and share what you hope to achieve through this workshop?

Discuss key points of the training information:

  • Hi-light key points of the workshop and discuss how they are relevant to your situation.
  • How would these ideas impact your business or the quality of your life?
  • Feel free to add any additional ideas or suggestions to the discussion.
  • Choose the action steps and perspectives (Strategic Options) from this workshop that will increase your personal effectiveness moving forward.
  • How are you going to integrate these Strategic Options into your weekly Power Circuit?

Design – Decide – Declare and Do!


To identify the actions and perspectives that will close power gaps, generate progress and have the greatest impact on our success! 

PAC for Success

“PAC” is the acronym of the four cornerstones to transformation

Progressive Achievement Checklist

Perpetual Action Cycles

Procedure Assessment Checklist

Perspectives, Attitudes and Commitments

Each PAC are actions or perspectives referred to as “Strategic Options”.  Members choose the options that will advance their cause and have the greatest impact on their results! 

Progressive Achievement Checklist

Monitors and Maintains Forward Progress. One of the most important ingredients to success is to “live a life of progress!”

Success is the progressive realization of achievement! A Progressive Action Checklist is any “To do List” that identifies the priority of activities needed to be completed as you press forward with your goals and intentions.

A Progressive Achievement Checklist for Exercise 

  • Clearly identify your fitness goals
  • Join a gym
  • Get a physical examination
  • Have a professional trainer design a fitness program

A Progressive Achievement Checklist for New Business Development

  • Analyze Power Gaps in Master Prospecting Power Lines.
  • Identify where you are bleeding the most opportunity.
  • Have an organized system for tracking all leads.
  • List the entire scope of your product line.
  • List the benefits of your products and services.
  • List the markets that can use these benefits.
  • List all possible connecting markets.
  • Set up your PAC Action Steps and Perspectives.
  • Create and memorize Mission/Benefit Statements
  • Create a Referral Presentation Flyer.

One and done type actions. Progress is made but transformation may not have taken place.

What are some Progressive Action Steps that apply to the present goals you are designing? 

Perpetual Action Cycles

Strategically Calibrates Habits

These are a list of perpetual action steps that are continuously evaluated and recommitted to over several weeks – until the actions incorporate themselves into your natural patterns of behavior.

Perpetual Action Checklist for Exercise 

  • Two times a week weight training
  • Three times a week – 30 minutes of cardio
  • Two Pilates classes every week

Perpetual Action Cycles for New Business Development

  • Use affirmations and visualizations daily
  • Give ten referral presentations every week
  • Five hours per week following up on referral presentations
  • Update contact tracking system once a week
  • Contact two Centers of Influence per week
  • Attend two Networking Events per month

Transformation is now in motion!

What are some Perpetual Action Steps that apply to the present goals you are designing?

Decide if you need to add these Perpetual Action Steps to your Weekly Design Worksheet and implement Tactical Productivity to assure the successful transformation of this behavior. 

Procedure Assessment Checklist

Sharpens Skill Sets and Fine-Tunes Routines. Assessment creates awareness. Awareness moves comfort zones and initiates transformation.

These are a list of the activities that will assure the best outcomes in situations where we need to be as effective as possible. You have the flexibility to design your checklist in any way that is comfortable and effective for you.

Procedure Assessment Checklist for a Personal Workout Routine

  1. 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill
  2. 15 minutes of stretching
  3. Upper body weight training
  4. Lower body weight training
  5. Core development training
  6. 10 minute cool down and stretching

Procedure Assessment Checklist for networking a room

  1.    __Personal name-tag ready to go
  2.    __Have plenty of business cards in your possession
  3.    __Resource table materials or a flyer with a stand-up holder
  4.    __Arrive early, (this will help you mentally own the event)
  5.    __Expect to have a successful event.
  6.    __Know your purpose, (be careful not to lose focus)
  7.    __Mentally be prepared to be proactive in meeting people
  8.    __Be sincere, relaxed and don’t forget to smile
  9.    __Be helpful to others by introducing them to people you know
  10.    __Keep an eye out for loners who may need encouragement
  11.    __Continue to bounce a bit during the “meet and greet” period
  12.    __Be sincerely interested in what others say (actively listen)
  13.    __Sit where there is the least amount of familiar faces
  14.    __Have curiosity and power statements ready to go
  15.    __Don’t talk too much about yourself or your service
  16.    __Stay focused on your mission and don’t forget to have fun!

Possible Checks – 16   Successfully Achieved   ____   Power Gap____

What are some situations that apply to the success of your goals that require a Procedure Assessment Checklist?

Create a Procedure Assessment Checklist that will maximize the best results in this situation. 

Perspectives, Attitudes and Commitments 

Mental Preparation and Conditioning

Events + Mental Perspectives = Your Reality

These are a list of thought processes that strengthen our confidence and renew our resolve. What we think is who we become. Thinking always proceeds action. We need to choose those thoughts that empower, inspire and motivate us to put forth our best to progress and achieve.

Affirmations and Visualizations for exercise

  • Exercise is my quality personal time!
  • Exercise is something I always find time to fit into my schedule.
  • I enjoy my time at the gym.
  • It feels great to have a good workout!

Affirmations and Visualizations for developing new business leads

  •  My mission is to network my services with people who can benefit from its use.
  •  I reach out to those who can benefit from my products and services.
  •  I dig the well before I thirst!
  •  I’m a lead magnet!
  •  I visualize people enjoying learning about my service.
  •  I attract people looking for my service.
  •  Networking for new leads is job security.
  •  I enjoy meeting new people.
  •  People want to introduce me to people I can help.

Create affirmations that support your present and future goals and intentions.

Visualize the results that these affirmations represent. See it done…feel it completed.

Recommended Follow-up workshops

Visualizations and Affirmations